Wednesday Night Dance
FUNdamentals Workshop
The Wednesday Night Dance FUNdamentals Workshop is targeted toward dancers who:
- Are new to dance and want to feel more comfortable with the beginning steps before progressing.
- Want to work on steps, style, or technique taught in the first hour of class
- More than a beginner, but not quite intermediate.
- Have some questions about the beginning material.
- Want to make perfectly sure you're doing the beginning material properly before moving on.
During the hour-long workshop, we tend to cover the following material. (This may vary according to the individual dance.)
- We will go over, in detail, the steps taught during the beginning hour. Always. Plenty of practice.
- Having FUN while staying safe on the dance floor.
- Leading a step. How to know when you're doing it right. How to practice it.
- How to follow what a leader is leading. How to be a more sensitive, attuned follower. How do you know when you're doing it right? How do you practice this?
- Looking great as a couple. (Getting two people to move together as one.)
- How not to get dizzy during a waltz.
- How not to step on feet.
- Finding the beat/finding the rhythm. Practicing it.
The FUNdamentals Workshop begins after the first hour of the Wednesday night dance lesson.
Instructor: Charles Jackson.
to the Dance Floor

For additional information, contact Phil Mast 650/856-6969
or Charles Jackson [ charles.jackson@sun.COM],
Web pages by C. Jackson