The Cubberley Pavilion offers one
of the most comfortable, friendly places to dance in the San Francisco
Bay Area.
Always wanted to learn? A wide variety of dances (swing, hustle,
rumba, tango, waltz, etc.) are taught at beginning, intermediate,
and advanced levels on a 'drop-in' basis. (Check our Dance
Calendar for the current schedule.)
You never need to bring a partner, and we switch partners frequently
so you get a chance to meet and dance with different people. Lively, entertaining
dance parties follow each dance lesson.
Then practice what you've learned (or
get your dance fix) on the single largest dance floor in the U.S.
Dance Quote of the Day
Dance Floor Summons
Moving Violations:
O Dancing Under Extreme Influence
O Partner Theft
O Failure to negotiate turns
O Failure to come to a complete and full stop
(Violations classified as a Miss-demeanour)
O Failure to Follow a legal lead
O Illegal Vehicle (usually a Tank)
O Following too closely
(Violations classified as a Fellow-ny)
O Failure to use indicators (lead)
O Failure to Yield line of dance
O Hit and Run Floorcraft
Non-Moving Violations:
O Stalled Vehicle
O Abandoned Vehicle
O Parking in the traffic lane
Mechanical Failures:
O Soft Shoulders
O Bent Frame
O Backfield in Motion (Latin Motion excepted)
O Cranking and/or Jerking
O Over Gripping
O Failure to keep eyes on partner
O Failure to smile
O Failure to Display any style
O Failure to Interpret the music
Repeated Offenders will be Impounded and Towed.
- Bart L. McJunkin |